
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lead based paint inspections USA by professionals a must

lead based paint inspection
There is no dearth of hazardous chemicals in materials that people are exposed to in everyday life, especially so materials used in the construction of buildings and commercial complexes are never void of hazardous elements, lead is one such element that is conveniently used in many building materials owing to its tendency to make the material flexible to use and cheap. What manufacturers of building materials don’t heed to is, the threat that lead based materials such as lead based paint can cause. If one wants to secure the health and well being of the residents of homes in the USA, lead based paint inspections are an absolute must.

Lead based paint inspections will include the following processes:

  • Check the air for lead based particles
  • Report the rate concentration of lead in the air
  • Identify the source of contaminants
  • Eliminate the cause of lead contamination using effective lead removal methods

It is important to carry out lead based paint inspections for two reasons. The primary reason is to secure the health of the residents of the household where lead inspection is being carried out secondly if a home owner wants to sell the property, lead based inspection reports will vouch for the safety standards of the environment of the home and make the sale, rental or lease deal to appear more dependable and worthy to buyers.

The government of USA allows only 0.6% lead to be used in paints, however there are very few manufacturers who adhere to this rule, hence inspections are inevitable to detect the presence of lead and clear the homes of USA of the hazards of lead. Serious dysfunctions in the nervous system, stunted growth, delayed development, kidney problems, reproductive issues and many more such complications can be prevented by inspecting lead concentration levels.


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